
touch sessions


  • ankle

  • foot

  • hip joint

  • diaphragm

  • shoulder

  • wrist

  • elbow

  • kidney / adrenal region

  • base of the head (brainstem)

*In trauma, the individual loses choice. Therefore, in our work together, you always have the freedom to choose which techniques to utilize in your session.

“These techniques seem to target the most common patterns of hypervigilance and bracing in preparation for threat. By using direct contact with specific physical structures and regions of the body that play a large role in physiological resilience and self-regulation, the practitioner can invite their clients to alter long-standing habits in their stress responses. As clients are supported in letting go of these habitual patterns, they become more adept at allowing the full range of physiological responses to flow without the urge to stop or suppress them; they stay more somatically present, even in the face of strong somatic experiences.”

-Kathy L. Kain

How does somatic touch work?

Similar to the way in which an attuned caregiver can bring a sense of calm to a crying infant, in SE touch sessions, the SE practitioner uses their own regulated nervous system to help bring regulation back to the client’s nervous system. With support from the outside, the client’s nervous system can again regain regulation that is responsive to the environment, rather than staying “stuck” in dysregulation. Through healthy co-regulation, new neuro-pathways are established, and survivor behaviors can abate. The client gets to renegotiate the world through a different lens— one of safety through co-regulation.

What does an SE Touch session look like?

The initial part of the session involves checking in about what symptoms are currently present in the body and mental field. SE touch sessions occur lying down face-up fully clothed on a massage table. Pillows, bolsters, and blankets ensure optimal comfort and promote greater relaxation— a necessary component of moving toward regulation. Once the client expresses comfort and a sense of settling, the practitioner will ask for permission to offer touch support to an area of the body.

What is the quality of touch like?

People often ask if it’s like massage or reiki or Rolfing. While each of these types of bodywork have respective merit, SE touch involves supportive holding (not moving, manipulative, or invasive) with both hands typically on the front and back of an area to offer support and encourage the area to relax so blood flow can increase. As this happens and regulation is achieved, the practitioner typically moves to the other side of the table to support the other side of the body.

When is touch especially useful?

Touch is particularly useful:

  • in working with early shock trauma and developmental disturbances that have a primarily physical origin.

  • when it is helpful to the client to learn to differentiate between appropriate,
    caring touch and inappropriate, harmful touch.

  • when touch helps the client integrate their change process more fully
    through all layers of self.

  • when touch helps the client remain resourceful in managing their
    activation levels.

  • when the use of verbal language is limited.



I'd been feeling a general sense of "not-okay-ness" in my body for months. After the session with Amber that feeling was reduced by at least 75%, and over the days following even more so. It's like my worried mind stopped affecting my body as much.  Two days after my session with Amber I had a big speaking event. In five years working with this client and feeling nervous every time, I had for the very first time no anxiety during the event, I felt completely grounded and clear, with access to all my knowledge and skill. It felt incredible! It was wonderful to have someone work with and release the ways in which stress and anxiety are deeply rooted in my nervous system. We talked for just a few minutes at the beginning of the session as a check-in, but after that I simply rested on the table as she did her work on my body. Effortless. What a relief to not have to talk about all the details of my stress in order to release it!